Be Kind Rewind- 2001
Movie overview
Jurassic Park 3, Planet of the Apes, Shrek, Zoolander, The Last Kingdom, Fast and the Furious, Training Day, Hardball,
11:09- Saving Silverman
12:35- *61
14:20- A Knights Tale
16:12- Spirited Away
17:15- K-Pax
18:15- Memento
20:00- Not Another Teen Movie
21:30- The Majestic
23:15- Black Hawk Down
24:45- A Beautiful Mind
26:10- Waking Life
30:00- The Royal Tenenbaums
32:15- Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Gabes List
5. Saving Silverman
4. Memento
3. Black Hawk Down
2. A Beautiful Mind
1. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Logan's list
5. *61
4. K-Pax
3. The Majestic
2. Memento
1. Black Hawk Down
Kyle's List
5. A Knights Tale
4. Spirited Away
3. Not Another Teen Movie
2. Waking Life
1. The Royal Tenenbaums
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